NAME : RRB Ministerial and Isolated Post Recruitment 2024 syllabus

UPDATE : 10-02-2025

INFORMATION : Indian Railway Railway Recruitment Board RRB Ministerial and Isolated Post Recruitment CEN 07/2024. Those candidates who are interested in this Railway RRB CEN 07/2024 can apply online from 07 January 2025 to 16 February 2025. Read the notification for RRB Ministerial and Isolated Post, PGT Teacher, TGT Teacher, Technician and Other Various Post eligibility, post information, selection procedure, Details, age limit, pay scale and all other information.

Exam Pattern
SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Professional Ability505090 Minutes
120 Minutes (PwD Candidates)
General Awareness1515
General Intelligence and Reasoning1515
General Science1010
General Awareness
Current AffairsNational and international events, sports, important days, and awards
Indian History and CultureAncient, medieval, and modern history; freedom struggle; and post-independence India
GeographyPhysical features of India, world geography, important geographical terms
EconomicsBasic economic principles, Indian economy, budget, and five-year plans
PolityIndian Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, public administration
General ScienceBasic concepts in physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Current AffairsNational and international events, sports, important days, and awards
Indian History and CultureAncient, medieval, and modern history; freedom struggle; and post-independence India
GeographyPhysical features of India, world geography, important geographical terms
EconomicsBasic economic principles, Indian economy, budget, and five-year plans
PolityIndian Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, public administration
General ScienceBasic concepts in physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science
General Science
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
Number SystemWhole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals.
AlgebraSimplification, factorization, linear equations
GeometryBasic concepts of lines, angles, triangles, circles, and quadrilaterals
Calculation of area, volume, and perimeter of different shapes
TrigonometryBasic trigonometric ratios and their applications
Statistics and ProbabilityMean, median, mode, standard deviation, and basic probability
Ratio and ProportionConcepts and applications
Percentages and AveragesCalculation and applications
Profit and LossBasic problems on profit, loss, and discount
Simple and Compound InterestCalculation of interest over time
Stenography Skill Test
Type of StenographerWords Per Minute (WPM)Transcription Time
English80 WPM50 minutes
Hindi80 WPM65 minutes
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